Sunday, January 29, 2012

Osechi at Ueki

We had osechi (the new year meal normally eaten for three days) with my Papa's grandma who lives in the countryside called Ueki. This is a photo of my host family with my host grandma with all that delicious osechi cooking! She made most of it, such a genki grandma! You may notice my host brother and dad is missing from the photo because they arrived late after running/walking from our house to hers...which took about 5 hours!

This is possibly the biggest variety of food I've had at once. We had food from fried chicken, sashimi, egg rolls, to marinated lotus roots! The list goes on!

Crab filled with macaroni cheese. So good!

Cute corner of the house. Everything you see (the bucket, owl, fan) is made from catalogues.

We stayed the night and headed out to the hot springs at around 5am in the morning. I know. No, but it was worth it. 5am+countryside+hot springs=umph!

Okay my new year hasn't ended here yet, I will try to keep posting but I'm falling behind lots. I still have to post more about Japan and Taiwan, but I'm in Korea now! Busybusybusy. Until then, keep the awesome year rolling in!

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