Saturday, January 14, 2012

Kumamoto: New Years preparations

I headed down to Kumamoto, a country-like city south of Fukuoka, to visit my host family after my few days in Osaka, Nara and Kyoto. It felt so good to be home again with the fam, all exchange memories sort of came rushing back and I began reminiscing about how good Japan was.

I spent the new year with my first host family and here's some of the preparations for it.

My host mum changing the paper for these paper doors. Everything is usually replaced with something new for new years. Preparations for the new year is sort of like spring cleaning...of course I tried to avoid as much cleaning as possible! In our home, we have a tradition of always changing into newly bought underwear for the new year, though I'm not sure if all Japanese households do the same.

Decorating the home with a hand made wreath.

You cannot believe how many postcards my host dad wrote and sent to his friends and employees....over 200! Writing postcards to people you know to wish them a happy new year is a definite must-do for all Japanese.

There was like an adrenaline build-up to complete everything before the new year began!

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