Sunday, April 15, 2012

Snow at first sight

My first night in Seoul was wonderfully spectacularly amazingly exciting. Why? Because it snowed! I rushed out of the apartment with Jack and her sisters, just to watch the flakes of snow sift down from the night sky, while I would be amused by waiting for the flakes to melt at the touch of my skin. Better yet, we were amused by trying to eat snow with our mouths wide open. The night felt like it was meant to belong to a memory of my childhood probably because I've always thought that a childhood devoid of white snow and snowmans was not a true childhood at all. When I think about it now, I feel a sense of nostalgia even though it wasn't so long ago. Good times.

Jack and her two lovely sisters, Liz and Anj. I love this photo because we were clearly capturing the essence of the moment.

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