Thursday, December 22, 2011

Nara: serenity at your eyes

Nara, beautifully adorned with warm autumn colours, this city and countryside shone with a sort of nostalgia that just makes you wanna sigh a million times because of its peacefulness. A charming place to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

My friends Natsumi (whom I met in Australia) and her friend Ayumi (whom I am now good friends with!) took a long walk around Nara, really for a festival, though we didn't get to see much of it. The Kasuga-Taisha (Kasuga Grand Shrine) is a Shinto shrine overwhelming with a Japanese beauty despite it being located in the city. It was my first time visiting this shrine and I adored it! Let the pictures speak for themselves.

Of course, on the way there are few stalls where they sell deer rice-crackers (as Nara is known for their deers; you'd see them wondering around everywhere!). One of the stalls sell roasted purple sweet potato where it costs about 400 yen for every 200g so it can cost quite a bit depending on how big the potato you get is. You could always share! Very traditonal, steaming hot hot hot, and so yummy on cold days!

We also couldn't not have Mitarashi dango which are sweet soy sauce coated rice balls, roasted and caramelised over fire! You definitely cannot give this a pass! 300 yen for one stick with 3 balls.

Mentaiko spaghetti. Mentaiko is spicy marinated pollack roe - very small balls but lots of them! If you've tried your normal fish roe at sushi train back in your country, it's quite like that but with a spicy taste. Cream sauce and a bit of spiciness made this a satisfying pasta.

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