Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pad Thai at home

Pad Thai is perhaps one of the most popular dishes of Thailand, not to mention its growing popularity in Australia. However, we don't have to always commit to the rather frequent trips (as I've been noticing my friends' addiction to Thai restaurants, not to say my own) to Thai restaurants to satisfy our cravings, often of these sweet, sour and spicy noodles. Though we all love to idle away in a culturally infused ambience, while ironically savouring the exotic flavours of Thailand, we can almost produce the same thing back at home for half the price. Kind to the wallet, and saves the couple of litres of petrol wasted to get to that haven of exotic food.

So what was it like to make Pad Thai at home? Simple and straightforward. Pad Thai is somewhat a friendly meal to make if you follow this recipe. Since I'm a pesco-vegetarian, I added a range of different veges - broccoli, eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes (these were added last so they didn't disintegrate) and tofu. You could really add any ingredients you like to the Pad Thai, depending what's on hand. On Pim's site, there are heaps of other Thai recipes that will definitely have you drooling, so try them out! With the festive season coming up, what better feast can we have than a Thai banquet! Also,
for those who haven't tried Pad Thai before, now is the time!

So roll up your sleeves and get chopping; I'm sure you'd find that inner cook in you. Well, if you don't, then do give it another go! You only improve by learning through your mistakes :)

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