Saturday, March 24, 2012

Taiwan: my new love


This blog has been long since updated because I've been sooo lazy to do anything after returning to Australia. Well I'd like to get started on my unexpectedly awesome trip to Taiwan with my good Japanese friend, Mishan. With the connections and all we stayed here for 5 nights at our Taiwanese friend, Andrew's apartment. He was an awesome host to take us around all these places (by car!). Honestly, I didn't expect much from this place, but everything was so fun! I pronounce Taiwan my new love.

Siaoyoukeng. It's a geyser and if you haven't been to one before, these big bad boys smell like a hundred people farting in an enclosed room.

Uphill. In HEELS. Dammit. I had no idea we were gonna hike.

After a good half an hour walking uphill, we found ourselves at this lovely lake in the middle on the mountain.

A good hike deserves a foot bath! A natural and free foot bath just a short drive from the trail.

Dairyland/Farmland? Cows and poop. The grass looked so soft and green that you could roll around in it. This was our last destination in these mountains.

A one hour descent down from the mountains to the markets. These pan-fried steamed buns filled with leek (or cabbage or pork) were one of my favourites!

Stinky tofu. I knew I'd like this. A specialty of Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Night markets. A place full of crunchy seasoned veges sold as snacks and a million more other snacks. I love these markets, they're festive and very cultural and heaps intriguing once you get used to pushing your way through the crowd.

To be continued...

Friday, March 9, 2012

KONY 2012

Let's snap back to reality for a sec. Here's a vid about something that should be important to us in 2012. If you haven't already, clickclickclick now or visit the website